You can help make an important contribution toward preserving the history of our community by making a donation, bequest or other planned gift. There are a variety of methods to give to the Richmond Hill Historical Society that will assist us with our efforts and offer you, the donor, or your heirs, a tax benefit. Our legal name and address is the Richmond Hill Historical Society, P.O. Box 381, Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Add an immediate gift or pledge for ongoing work of the Historical Society and see your legacy at work!

Love our community and it's history? Then take the next step and become a member. When you join the Richmond Hill Historical Society, you become part of a membership family that shares a common goal: To collect, preserve and share stories for generations to come. We are a vibrant group that enjoys and takes pride in Richmond Hill history. You also get to enjoy a wide variety of benefits, discounts at our museum store, invitations to members-only events, discounts to special events and field trips and much more.
Richmond Hill Historical Society is a 501-C3 non-profit organization. Your membership and donations are tax deductible.
Annual memberships can be purchased in the following ways:
1. Online: Click the Donate Button Below
2. Mail: Send payment along with membership form to us at Post Office Box 381 Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324.
Richmond Hill Historical Society is a 501-C3 non-profit organization. Your membership and donations are tax deductible.
Annual memberships can be purchased in the following ways:
1. Online: Click the Donate Button Below
2. Mail: Send payment along with membership form to us at Post Office Box 381 Richmond Hill, Georgia 31324.
Individual Member: $30
This membership is for one adult. Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas
This membership is for one adult. Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas
Senior Family Membership: $50
This membership is ideal for two senior adults (62 and over). Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
This membership is ideal for two senior adults (62 and over). Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
Family Membership: $75
This membership is ideal for two adults and dependent children. Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
This membership is ideal for two adults and dependent children. Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
Patron Membership: $100
Our patron membership includes free admission for two adults and dependent children to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
Our patron membership includes free admission for two adults and dependent children to the Richmond Hill History Museum, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events.
Corporate Membership: $300
Our corporate membership includes a RHHS storefront decal, quarterly newsletter with recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events, recognition at annual gala and first choice for ticketed events, color logo and link on RHHS website.
Also see Model T Corporate Membership option.
Our corporate membership includes a RHHS storefront decal, quarterly newsletter with recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events, recognition at annual gala and first choice for ticketed events, color logo and link on RHHS website.
Also see Model T Corporate Membership option.
To be a Cars & Coffee Sponsor Click Below
Ford Founders Society: Lifetime Member: $1000
Benefits include free admission to the Richmond Hill History Museum for 6 people, RHHS car decal, quarterly newsletter and recognition as a new member, 10% discount at museum gift shop, invitation to lectures, galas and other special events, recognition at annual gala and first choice for ticketed events, invitation to exclusive Ford Founders Society members-only events. |